Saturday, April 21, 2007

And Gabe says...t'was amazing!!!

I know I dont have pictured but I was camera deprived..So as a lot of you know, I went to spark from friday to saturday..
It was the most amazing thing ever..!!!!!!
We had a Hilarious talker, and we did lots of dumb stuff lol Hug squad forever (Ben, Andy, Sam and I) Yesh, we created the hug squad and I hugged a lot of people, FREE HUGS ANYONE..?

I cant wait to go to History maker next year Its gonna PWN!!!!

- Gabe

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Tommorrow tommorrow I love you!!

Yeah I know theres no pictures but work with me on this...Tommorrow is SPARK!!!!!!
I love spark...Yeah thats all I have to say...I cant wait ben, jeff, becky, christina, jen, tyler and all the rest!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

The best easter ever!!

So today the picture says it all. I got baptized by Eric. It was awesome. We went to the front of the church congregation and I told them how I came to know god. then when I was done I went to the back and got changed. After three songs I went up and met Eric and he did the whole speach thing and then in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost...I went in(Note that the water wasnt cold at all it was suprizingly refreshing..) Then I went off and sat with ben (who came to see my get 'tized) Then I went home to a nice easter dinner
So I'm hugry and im gonna go eat so go away(jk jk) bye